Mi wo Ko ni Suru (身を粉にする - Working Hard)

Jun 25, 2019 09:54
Mi wo Ko ni Suru

I am working while 'mi wo ko ni suru/shite' (身を粉にする/して).

Since 'mi' (身) means "body" and 'ko/kona' (粉) means "powder," the literal meaning of 'mi wo ko ni suru' is "to grind one's body into powder."

This idiom expresses that someone works as hard as the body becomes powdery.

It is often used as 'mi wo ko ni shite hataraku' (身を粉にして働く "to work one's finger to the bone") by adding the verb 'hataraku' (働く - "to work").


「身」は "body"、「粉」は "powder" を意味するので、「身を粉にする」の文字どおりの意味は "to grind one's body into powder" です。


"To work" を意味する「働く」をつけて、「身を粉にして働く」のように使われることが多いです。
No. 1 Yalmar's correction
  • Mi wo Ko ni Suru (身を粉にする - Working Hard)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Mi wo Ko ni Suru
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I am working while 'mi wo ko ni suru/shite' (身を粉にする/して).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Since 'mi' (身) means "body" and 'ko/kona' (粉) means "powder," the literal meaning of 'mi wo ko ni suru' is "to grind one's body into powder."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • This idiom expresses that someone works as hard as the body becomes powdery.
  • This idiom expresses that someone works so hard that their body becomes powder.
  • It is often used as 'mi wo ko ni shite hataraku' (身を粉にして働く "to work one's finger to the bone") by adding the verb 'hataraku' (働く - "to work").
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
This is a rather useful expression :)
Thank you always for correcting my post! :)
No problem! :)